Siemens Hiring Engineering Graduates as a position of Looking for PSS MVS development (Student Intern) Role in Noida, India Software, and Services For the full time. Siemens company is going to recruit candidates for graduates through off-campus. The candidates who are completed in BE / B.Tech, ME / M.Tech, MCA, Any Degree Branches Any Passing year batches are Eligible to apply.
In this article you can easily find Tata Communications address, date of interview, eligibility details, interview syllabus, selection process, apply link, application procedure details explanation is given below.
In this article, you will get to know this drive, and also you can prefer a video which I created for your better understanding firstly understand the few points which I discussed in this video before applying.
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Tata Communications Limited is an Indian telecommunications company. The company is part of the Tata Group. Tata's communications network spans more than 500,000 kilometres of subsea fibre and more than 210,000 kilometres of terrestrial fibre. The company has invested $1.19 billion in its global subsea fibre network. Wikipedia
Job Description:
BCA/MCA or equivalent is required.
Fresh College passed out (2020) or Work experience 0 to 1 years.
Good understanding of Unix/Linux operating system environments required.
Hands on experience in Perl/Python scripting/Programming / core JAVA programming, HTML, CGI-Perl.
Knowledge of shell scripting are important skills required to be effective in this job.
Very Strong in problem solving skills
The candidate must have good written and verbal communication skills;
Self-motivated and able to work independently
Able to thrive and improve in a multifaceted multi-site fast-paced development environment.
Domain knowledge: The candidate should have a good knowledge and experience with Web Server designing and layout
Job Duties:
The individual will be responsible for the automation of Product Engineering processes and would involve:
Perl / Python scripts to auto generate JIRA / Confluence
Product Engineering process flow and dashboard using JAVA and PERL / Python
All candidates can apply for the Siemens Off-Campus Recruitment Drive 2021, they may apply for this position by clicking on the link given below before the link expire:
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